November 07, 2016
MTSS Materials for School Teams
From: Pent
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 10:05 AM
Subject: MTSS Materials for School Teams
Greetings PENT Cadre members, SELPA Directors, and supporters,
As promised, I am pleased to share a new section of the PENT website on Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). These are all of the training materials that are used by Dr. Clayton Cook, our PENT Research Director, and myself in joint and separate initiatives we lead all over the country, from Hawaii to New York. Here is the link:
A special thanks to Debbie Holt, PENT Program Manager Emeritus, and Lizette Edrosa, our webmaster, for all of their extensive work in organizing, formatting, and editing the materials prior to posting on the website.
We look forward to hearing from Cadre who are members of district teams charged with changing from the old model of refer, test, place to the MTSS model with universal screening, progresss monitoring, and early intervening services.
Best wishes to all!
Diana Browning Wright
MTSS Initiative Director
PENT Director, Emeritus