Daily Progress Reports (DPRs)
What are Daily Progress Reports?
When used within a Tier 2 intervention such as Check In/Check Out, DPRs are standardized forms which list the desired behaviors or skills that are being targeted for improvement. Typically, when implemented within a PBIS framework as a Tier 2 intervention, these behaviors will align with the 3-5 positive behaviors that have been selected and used on a school-wide behavioral matrix (e.g., "Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible").
Aligning with these school-wide behavioral expectations allows the DPRs to be standardized for anyone involved in the intervention.
In addition to listing the 3-5 behavioral expectations, DPRs provide specific times for these behaviors to be reviewed by the classroom teacher. For an elementary student, this may be before morning recess, before lunch, and before the end of the day. For a middle or high school student, this may be at the end of each period. These check-ins should be brief and provide specific performance feedback on how the student did during that time frame. Emphasis should be placed on the positive behaviors observed that show progress towards goals.
When used in conjunction with Check In/Check Out, the DPR is picked up and reviewed with the adult facilitator each morning and returned and reviewed in the afternoon.
Components of Daily Progress Reports
DPRs should:
- Be standardized for all students when used as a Tier 2 intervention
- Include a three-point scale (e.g., rate student numerically 0/1/2 or have two symbols such as a happy face or a sad face for younger students)
- Include 3-5 behavioral expectations (typically the school-wide behavioral expectations as identified within a PBIS framework)
- Have no more than 10 check-ins per day