Behavior Contracts
What are Behavior Contracts?
Behavior contracts are a negotiated agreement between the adult/teacher and student. The focus is on increasing positive behaviors the teacher wants to see in the classroom by providing daily pre-correction, prompting, and reinforcement of desired behaviors.
Both parties (teacher and student) benefit from the use of a behavior contract: the teacher, by seeing an increase in desired behavior and the student, by earning a reinforcer based on demonstration of desired behavior.
Components of a Behavior Contract
There are several key components that should be included in a behavior contract, including:
- Discussion and agreement on the desired behaviors and the reinforcers, to ensure all parties agree
- Description of the desired and expected behaviors to be performed
- Goal statement specifying by when and under what conditions reinforcer will be earned
- Identification of the reinforcer(s) to be earned (i.e., The Pay-Off)
- Signatures from all parties involved
- Teacher pre-corrects and prompts student on daily basis using the behavior contract
Effective Behavior Contracts |
Ineffective Behavior Contracts |
Adapted from Diana Browning Wright and Clayton Cook Power Point presented at the PENT Forum.