Creating an Intervention Fidelity Form

Step 1: List Intervention Steps
- Get your intervention plan and determine discrete steps of the intervention, response to challenging behavior, and reinforcement
- Develop operational definitions for each step
- Observable
- Measurable
- Complete
- Consider adherence, quality, and exposure
Step 2: Choose Assessment Method
- Direct observation - most ideal, but not always feasible
- Permanent product review - feasible, but not relevant for all steps
- Self-report - versatile, but not always accurate
Note: more intensive student interventions require more direct treatment fidelity assessment.
Step 3: Identify Rating Option(s)
- Dichotomous checklist - indicate whether step occurred
- Likert scale - range of ratings from full to no implementation
- Frequency count - tally each time step occurs
- Duration - indicate how long a step occurred
- Time sample - tally within a specified interval of time
- Multiple choice - brief descriptions for different levels of implementation
- Fill in the blank - narrative description of implementation
Step 4: Pull the form together
- List intervention steps
- Include rating option for each dimension of treatment fidelity
- Include space for summarizing treatment fidelity data