Traditional Academic

7+ years

Children’s reasoning becomes logical and is no longer limited by immediate perceptions. Early on they usually can apply logical processes or operations only to concrete objects or events and they have difficulty with purely verbal or hypothetical problems. They can revise previous conclusions to consider new information, consider more than one part of a problem at a time, follow steps in a sequence, and reverse those steps.

Later (11 years and up), they develop the potential to solve abstract problems by using logical thought. They are no longer dependent on the here and now rather, they can draw logical conclusions both inductively and deductively.

Cognitive and Communication Milestones

  • Begin to take the viewpoint of others
    • Theory of mind more complex
    • Decreased egocentrism
  • Considers multiple variables when problem solving
    • Understands subcategories
  • Move from beginning logical (7-11 years) to fully logical (11+ years)
    • Begin to understand abstract concepts and figurative language at 11+ years
    • Demonstrate understanding of conservation
  • Engage in conversation and can explain social relationships
  • Use literacy skills to read and write
  • Selective attention matures
  • Complex planning abilities (11+ years)

Strategies to AVOID

Strategies to Use

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