Environmental Manipulations & Sabotage

Environmental manipulations typically are "happenings" created by the adult that entice the student to interact. Once routines are well established, interruptions, or "violations" of the routine can create opportunities for the student to communicate how to "fix it."
The more meaningful and interesting the activity is to the student, the greater the likelihood of success.

By manipulating the environment, we create an opportunity for the student to communicate, demonstrate the target behavior, and/or problem-solve.

Examples include:

  • Pushing a swing, then stopping it, and waiting for student to initiate a request
  • Keeping snacks/materials in view, but out of reach, to entice student to request
  • Blowing bubbles and putting the cap back on
  • Moving items or forgetting to put them out
  • Using questioning and commenting to elicit a response
  • Holding up clothing items so student can request

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