Tier 2 PBIS

Tier 1 PBIS | Tier 3 PBIS

Tier 2 interventions are provided for the 10-25% of students who require support in addition to universal Tier 1 supports. These students are at risk of identifying more intense social, emotional, or behavioral challenges, which if not addressed, could eventually require more intensive Tier 3 interventions.

Tier 2 interventions entail implementing evidence-based interventions matched to student’s skill-based needs for a pre-determined amount of time (e.g., 4-6 weeks), and focus on targeted areas of need. Typically, tier 2 interventions are provided to small groups of students who demonstrate similar needs and/or through a standardized delivery across a group of students with similar needs.

Interventions can be pre-packaged and standardized (e.g., social-emotional learning curriculum) or templates developed by interventionists (e.g., Check-In/Check-Out, behavior contracts, etc.).

Tier 2 Resources

Intervention Resources